Wednesday, July 8, 2020

8 Dangerous Foods You Should Never Feed Your Dog, Dogs Care Guide

Foods that are perfectly suitable for human consumption as well as other animals, may be toxic and even poisonous to your dog. Because all animals have  different rates of metabolism. Metabolism is the process of breaking down food and turning it into energy. 

 While treating yourself some food may have temtation , like burger,chocolate and french candies but think wisely  of your dog best interest at heart when you share your food with it.
some food that are toxic and dangerous for dog and  are listed below, 

1)  Spoiled Food

 Spoiled Food is extremely dangerous for your dog.Expired Foods or food that has not been properly refrigerated is not good for your dog. Even  Dogs have a very low pH in their stomachs and could not  digest the wrotten food. Wrotten food carries parasites and bacteria like salmonella which will make your dog sick. So  Do not let your dog have access to such stuff.That's why Feed your dog well enough that he won’t be forced to eat it.  
Wrotten food can easily be differentiated from fresh food by physical appearance,such as a change in color,an unpleasant odor, a change in texture, , or bad taste. Various factors cause food to spoil like Light, oxygen, heat, humidity, temperature, and  bacteria can all affect both safety and quality of perishable foods.
Bacteria which can have serious dog health consequences. For example if your dog consume some Spoiled Food  that will make it sick, even if it’s cooked to a safe internal making sure that your dog is not spoiled food you can save your dog from getting sick.

Diseases Associated With Spoiled Food

If your dog eat spoiled food immediately call vet doctor,If left untreated, severe poisoning can be fatal. It can cause an 

  • Irregular heartbeat 
  • kidney failure
  •  Liver damage
  • Neurological problems 
  • Loss of blood
  • Loss of appetite

2) Fried And Fatty Foods

Never give your dog  Foods like fried chicken and french fries which can be toxic to dogs. Eating fried foods can cause pancreatic inflammation leading to pancreatitis, which can turn into a life-threatening event.pancreatitis can cause extreme vomiting and requires immediate emergency care.
 Dogs digest differently than humans and eating the wrong foods can lead to long term health problems.fried food usually deep fried is vegetable oil, which makes the meat very rich with fat.No doubt fat  is an important component in every dog’s diet, but the average percentage included should range between 10 to a maximum of 15 %. 
excessive amount of fat is  dangerous especially for dogs who suffer from heart problems or are overweight. Another negative aspect about those foods is the amount of salt they have. Dogs’ bodies cannot tolerate excessive amounts of salt, which makes fried chicken all the more unhealthy for them. 

Diseases Associated With Fried And Fatty Foods

food with high fat and salt percentage can seriously cause damage to your pup’s body.
From serious issues like kidney failure, 

  • Extreme thirst 
  • Dehydration
  • Over weight 
  • Urination 

Foods with high salt percentages  Do not forget that chicken nuggets are made of processed meat, which can make dog sick.
Dogs are actually very likely to love the taste of fried foods because of the high amount of fat they contain and as tasty as fries can be, it really isn’t a good idea to feed them to your beloved companion.
 Fried food are full of trans and saturated fats, and too much of that at a time can lead to a serious inflammation of the pancreas and cause your dog unbearable pain

3) Salty Food

One chip  or few  popcorn  won’t put your dog at risk but leaving a large bowl out or your dog consuming an entire bag can. Never give your dog Salty food like crisp snack, biscuit, cookies But just like they aren’t really good for humans, they aren’t good for dogs either. salty food contain huge amount of sodium. Eating too much sodium can actually result in sodium ion poisoning. Sodium ion poisoning symptoms includes 

Diseases Associated With Salty Food

  • High fever 
  • Increase the blood pressure 
  • Constant need for water. 
  • Diarrhea, 
  • Excessive thirst
  • Seizures, 
  • Kidney damage 
  • Vomiting

If you see  your dog may be showing signs, give him a full bowl of water and  consult vet doctor immediately.
Although salt  in Moderation Sodium is an essential mineral in the balanced diet of every dog. It helps your pup’s body maintain an ideal balance of fluid in his cells. Sodium also helps conduct nerve impulse generation and transmission
 Healthy dogs weighing 33 pounds should consume no more than 100 mg of sodium a day, . Some dogs with heart disease, might require lower amounts of sodium, but your vet can help you find the right amount. 


 salt absorbs water in the body, a dog that has consumed too much of it will become extremely thirsty. He will drink more water than usual to accommodate his thirst, which will lead to him urinating more, as his body struggles to process the salt quickly. As his circulatory system and kidneys try to cope, they will become strained and cause his body to swell. Your dog may even vomit, have diarrhea or seizures. These are all symptoms of sodium ion poisoning. If you suspect your dog has ingested too much salt and is showing any of the symptoms of salt intoxication or poisoning, take him to the emergency veterinarian immediately.


Dogs become dehydrated when they lose too much water and the minerals in the water, including sodium and potassium. When his body doesn’t have enough of these minerals, his organs and systems can stop functioning. The veterinarian will replenish your dog’s fluids and electrolytes gradually to give his body time to readjust. Simply getting your dog to drink water may make him vomit or have diarrhea, and the idea here is to stop the loss of fluids. However, giving him a small amount of water — making sure he doesn’t drink too much too fast — can help keep him more comfortable while you make your way to the vet. 

4) Nuts And Dry Fruits

 Nuts that are okay for dogs to eat include peanuts, almonds and cashews but in limited much consumption may cause cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. Dog owners should not feed their pups macadamia nuts or black walnuts, as both can cause problems.Nuts, in general, are not a good treat for dogs but this particular nut can be toxic If you suspect your dog may have eaten even a small amount of macadamia nuts, consult your veterinarian immediately. 
dogs can't chew nuts as well as humans, the nuts may become a choking hazard or cause an intestinal blockage.

Disease Associated With Nuts And Dry Fruits

Symptoms of nut Poisoning in Dogs includes 
weakness, especially in the hind legs.

  • Lethargy
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting 
  • Tremors 
  • Fever

Some cases are mild, showing only a few symptoms, and resolve themselves within a few days. 
However, there are serious cases involving constant shaking, high fever, and an inability to walk. . vet may recommend close at-home observation and additionally, activated charcoal and/or a cathartic to help the nuts speed through your dog’s digestive system.

5) Raw Meat & Fish

raw meat, egg is likely to contain harmful bacteria like Salmonella, Listeria, E. coli and more.Raw meat and fish can have bacteria which causes food poisoning. Additionally, some fish can contain a parasite that causes “fish disease” or “salmon poisoning disease (SPD).” Symptoms include vomiting, fever and enlarged lymph nodes. Cooked fish is perfectly fine since the cooking process kills the parasites but be sure to remove all bones to avoid choking or internal organ risks    By feeding uncooked meat, there's a higher risk your dog will develop a foodborne illness or other type of bacterial infection.

Feeding a raw meat  make your dog aggressive, but as with any food that your dog really enjoys, some dogs may be defensive or territorial when eating and won't want to share! ... A raw meat diet won't cause or worsen any behavioral problems in your dog, nor turn him into an aggressive monster

6) Food Rich With Sugar

Unfortunately, dogs can also suffer the same harmful effects of sugar consumption like diabetes, obesity, dental problems, and more. 
This applies to any food containing sugar. Make sure you check the ingredient label for your dog foods.sugar  is found in just about everything these days. Too much sugar for your pup can lead to dental issues, obesity and even diabetesCandy, gum, toothpaste, baked goods, and some diet foods are sweetened with xylitol. It can cause your dog's blood sugar to drop and can also cause liver failure. Early symptoms include vomiting, lethargy, and coordination problems. Eventually, your dog may have seizures.

7 ) Yeast

Just like yeast rises in bread, it will also expand and rise within your pup’s tummy. Make sure they don’t get any. While mild cases will cause gas, lots of farting and discomfort — too much of it could rupture their stomach and intestines. Yeast dough is also dangerous because as it ferments and rises it makes alcohol which can lead to alcohol poisoning
Yeast dough can rise and cause gas to accumulate in your pet's digestive system. This can be painful and can cause the stomach to bloat, and potentially twist, becoming a life threatening emergency. The yeast produce ethanol as a by-product and a dog ingesting raw bread dough can become drunk 

8)  Chocolate

Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, which speed the heart rate and stimulate the nervous system. Depending on the type of chocolate, amount your dog ingested and your dog’s weight will determine how sick (or not sick) your dog may become.While rarely fatal, chocolate ingestion can result in significant illness. Chocolate is toxic because it contains a chemical called theobromine, as well as caffeine. ... Dogs cannot metabolize theobromine and caffeine as well as people can. This makes them more sensitive to the chemica

A small amount of chocolate will probably only give your dog an upset stomach with vomiting or diarrhea. With large amounts, theobromine can produce muscle tremors, seizures, an irregular heartbeat, internal bleeding or a heart attack

Ingesting too much theobromine and caffeine in chocolate may result in vomiting, diarrhea, restlessness, increased urination, tremors, elevated heart rate, seizures and death.3 Below is a list of most dangerous to least dangerous chocolate to dogs:

  • Cocoa powder
  • Unsweetened baker’s chocolate
  • Semisweet chocolate
  • Dark chocolate
  • Milk chocolate
  • White chocolate

Healthy Diet For Your Parrot - Pet Birds Care Guide

Is your parrot only a seed  eater? Do you know  that wild seeds are only a small portion of the natural diet? While seeds are an important part of a pet parrot's daily diet they should not comprise all of it.Patience, creativity and common sense will work  in improving your parrot's diet and overall health. 
Parrots are opportunistic omnivores which means they eat whatever they encounter in their day and like us eat from all the food groups veggies, fruits, grains and animal protein.

The seed based diets that have traditionally been fed to parrots are not representative of that parrots eat in the wild. Little is truly recognized about exactly what accommodates their every day diet however their herbal food plan does encompass an expansion of factors like seeds, nuts, end result, shoots, buds, corms and invertebrates insects, worms, and larvae. Wild parrots have been observed eating dead fish that wash up from lakes and rivers. Because some of the plant material they eat also contains toxins. Parrots in  America flock to natural mineral beds regularly to feed on the clay and minerals available in order to detoxify their systems.

We know that a seed only diet generally cuts  pet's potential lifespan in half as well as leading to deficiencies in vitamins, especially vitamin A, minerals, especially calcium and protein. They also too high in fat.

While formulated diets  are now becoming widely used, they also do not comprise a complete diet and can lead to health problems if used exclusively, especially with the kidneys and liver. Formulated diets were originally based on research done in the poultry industry, where the focus is on rapid growth and maximum size not longevity. While like seeds form an important part of a complete diet, they can not do it alone. What's important for your parrot's health and happiness is variety, balance, and moderation. Veggies, whole grains and some fruit should form the basis of a well fed parrot's daily diet.

A wild parrot's job is to spend the day searching for food then working to access it. Nuts are a good example as getting to the nut meat involves removing not only the hard shell, but the fibrous outer husk as well. It's important to give your parrot a job and make her have to work a little for her goodies as well. Having  peel veggies and open nuts helps offset boredom. Just be sure the veggies are organic and not contaminated with pesticides.

7 Tips For Training Your New Pit Bull Puppy

The most important, but frequently fail to observe aspect of Pitbull puppy training is positive reinforcement. this is often actually a really powerful tool which will spell the difference between success and failure in dog training. Read on to seek out out exactly what positive reinforcement is, how it works, and what a number of its forms are.

Positive Reinforcement

If during a Pitbull puppy training session your pet has mastered the "Sit" command you reward him together with his favorite treats. In contrast, negative reinforcement promotes a negative feeling and is usually related to punishment for bad behavior. Although these two concepts are literally far more complicated, let's keep the definitions simple for our purposes.

How does positive reinforcement work towards successful Pitbull puppy training and the way does one let your dog know that he has made an error if you are doing not employ correction and punishment? This question is best answered with a concrete example. In one among your training sessions, you would possibly ask your dog to approach you then he does. All is well. But, once you ask him to take a seat ahead of you, he jumps around instead and provides every indication that he wants to play rather than sit. What you are doing is take your dog by the leash, walk him back to starting position and repeat the command. Pitbull puppy training requires tons of patience and consistency.

Patience And Consistency

Many people experience difficulty in Pitbull puppy training just because they lack patience, consistency, and timing. the worth of patience has already been mentioned above. Consistency helps establish which behaviors are unacceptable. for instance , if you are doing not want your dog jumping abreast of the couch, then all members of the household must be told to not allow such behavior. If you disallow it, but your children encourage it, the dog won't get the message that it's NOT okay to leap onto the couch. Timing is important in making your dog learn which specific commands are related to particular actions. Give the command for your dog to urge off the couch as soon as he jumps abreast of it in order that he understands that the couch is off limits. If you let a couple of minutes pass before giving the command, the dog might imagine that it's okay to use the couch for a touch while every day .

Avoidance Strategies

Another sort of positive reinforcement which will be very effective in Pitbull puppy training is understood as "avoidance". This involves withholding rewards whenever your dog disobeys commands or displays unacceptable behavior. for instance , if you tell your dog to urge inside his crate and he refuses, deduct the treat that you simply would normally place within the crate as a gift then ignore the dog. Give the treat only your dog settles down within the crate. Soon he will realize that disobedience will only end in the loss of your attention also because the loss of his treats.

Pitbull puppy training may be a process that necessarily takes time, but you'll set yourself up for fulfillment by keeping your patience and always being consistent in enforcing the principles that you simply found out within the first place.

Persian Cat Behavior Tips

Persian Cat Behavior Tips - Pet Central, Types, Favorite Foods And Diseases

Persian cats are beautiful, social and harmless pets. Persian cats also called Iranian cats or Shirizi cats. The scientific name of this pet is domestic cat . Persian cats have silky shiny fur, round face, glowing eyes and long hairs on whole body. Persian  cats are generally famous for quiet and sweet behaviors. They typically sought permission on entering to gathering. Although, valid reason of its long hair isn't known however the scientists declared it as a results of natural mutation.

Personality and Behaviors

Persian cat is a beautiful, calm, sweet and delicate nature pet. She enjoys the corporate of peaceful people. Persian cats are calm in nature but have also a playful side. Cats have strict enmity with dogs.

Type of Persian Cats

There are some differences among various international cat associations in classification of Persians. All associations have their own opinion in origin, traits and classification. However, there are main three sort of Persian cats  Himalayan, Exotic and Persian. Some scientists have also narrated following types

• Exotic.
• Persians and Angoras.
• Traditional Persians.
• Peke-face and ultra-typing.
• Toy and teacup sizes.
• Chinchilla Longhair and Sterling.
• Coloration.

Origin Of Persian Cats

In 1626, an Italian citizen Mr. Pietro Della Valle introduced a long-haired cat in Europe at the primary time. Probably, it had been delivered to Europe by traders from Middle East . within the beginning, these cats were referred to as Asiatic cats and available in one color. The credit goes to Persian scientists, who developed its breed. Now, Persians are found in several colors including bi-color.

Lifespan Of  Persian Cats

The average lifespan of this cat is fifteen years. quite 76% of cats live up to 12 years and 52% of cats live 15 years or more. England veterinary department has declared their average lifespan from 14-17 years. the load of Persians generally lies between 7 to 12 pounds.

Foods For Persian Cats

Persian cat belongs to Mammalia class and a carnivore animal. She feeds milk to her kittens. Persians cannot sustain life without consuming meat in some form. Goat milk, pumpkin, fish and vitamin are the simplest food for Persians. 
Cats should never tend alcohol or alcoholic beverages, sugar and onions because it can cause serious health problems for them.

Diseases of Persian Cats

Persians generally suffers from following diseases

  • Breathing difficulties.
  • Dental problems
  • Kidney diseases
  • Skin problems
  • Excessive tearing
  • Eye diseases
  • Mycosis
Care and Maintenance

The department explained the explanation for death of Persian cats. they're on the opinion that Persians have large round skull, shortened face and nose, which creates difficulties in breathing. The cats usually suffer from breath difficulties thanks to their facial structure. Moreover, Persians have long hairs, which require regular care and maintenance to stop matting. they need to be bathed and dried carefully on day to day . Their eyes could also be cleaned regularly so as to stop them from eye diseases.

4 Effective Home Remedies To Stop Hair Falling In Dogs


Tips of Home Remedies for Dog Hair Loss

1) Apply Apple Cider Vinegar

                                    Apple cider vinegar is one of the oldest home remedy that people have been using for many, many years.So what makes it such a great 
thing to apply to your dog’s skin & hair?Apple cider vinegar’s acidic nature makes it a natural anti-fungal & anti-bacterial. That means you can apply it to any irritated skin to help clean out any of the bad stuff.You can either dab it on your dog’s ski, or try adding some to their bath and use it to refresh their skin all over their body.

2) Brush Your Dog's Hair Regularly

  Using a brush on your dog can do wonders for their hair. The reason is pretty simple, Your dog  skin has natural oils on it which help to keep the dog skin moisturized and protected. But that oil does not always manage to make its way onto the coat. Brushing your dog helps to distribute those natural skin oils all over the fur, keeping your dog’s hair looking healthier and shinier.This tip really works , but you usually have to do it on a regular basis to get the benefit.

3) Try Humidifier

                             Try humidifier on dog's bed. The most common reason of dog hair falling is skin dryness. The humidifier will moisturize air and atmosphere to protect dog skin and hairs from dryness . Skin dryness sometimes create itching for dogs which can be worse and create other skin diseases.

4) Use Olive Oil

                        Olive oil is one of the best natural skin moisturizer. As use of olive oil is best for human, same like use of olive oil by applying on dog is also works best. Olive oil maintain softness of skin in dogs protects from dryness and hair falling in dogs. Simply apply some amount of olive oil on hair falling patches on dog skin . In mean time protect dog to sit on earth or any other dusty place until olive oil absorb in dog skin.

What can I do if my cat is scared or anxious?

 All cats are not tolerant and silent, only few cats are extremely calm. you often face cats having aggressive and eager behavior. Such cats may cause some worry or disappointment for their owners despite the fact that their owners are willing to do everything to make their cats happy. If you consider yourself to be such a cat expert, then you need to focus on increasing your knowledge regarding cats and their behaviors in order to keep your cat calmer and relax.

Reasons Behind Your Cat's Nervousness

There are a lot of factors which can make your  cat confuse and nervous. The most common cause for such nervousness is fear. You need to make sure that nothing in your home or surroundings is making the cat nervous or afraid. Also, if your cat has an unforgettable negative experience during the childhood, then such an incident or experience can lead to uncomfortable attitude. These negative childhood experiences can be of various types such as facing homelessness, improper treatment, bad social life experience related to cats, humans, dogs or even other species.

Change in environment can also make the cat feel nervous. For example, if you just purchased your cat and bring him/her home, then this change in environment can also make the cat feel confused or uncomfortable. But such situations can easily be improved with the passage of time. Once your pet spent some time with you and your family provided no major trouble exists in the environment.

Remember don't panic if you see your cat is trying to hide from others. Keep in mind that if you'll provide her proper environment, she will soon overcome her nervousness. Hopefully, after some time, she will prefer to play with you instead of preferring to live in isolation.

This is a fact that most cats have an instinct for survival. This trait can lead to fight or flight reaction in particular situation which may cause the cat to run away or hide somewhere. Also, the presence of other cats in the surroundings can make the cat more nervous and it is observed that new cats often show defensive behavior in such situations. But such a situation keeps getting better day by day, all you need to do is to show some patience and wait.

There are times when your cat will be ill and like everybody else, cats consider illness as a scary situation. Therefore, you need to keep in mind that during the time of illness, your cat can show anxious behavior. Try to take your cat to doctor as soon as possible in order to get her out of discomfort and illness. This will surely help to make the cat healthy and relaxed in a minimal amount of time.

The presence of other pets especially dogs can also be a source of nervousness among cats. But no need to worry because with the passage of time, your cat will adjust with dogs or other pets.

The main thing you must understand is that cats are basically sensitive animals and needs proper love, care and safe environment to live happily and comfortably. Just provide the proper environment to your cats and surely, you'll get rid of all the problems related to your cat's behavior. However, it may take some time so be patient.

7 Important Tips to Taking Care of Havanese Puppies

Havanese Puppy

Create a Routine | Crate Train | Feedings | Discipline | 

Socialize your Puppy | Health Checks | Playtime |

Havanese Dogs are  national dog breed of the Cuba. Havanese dogs are kind of Bichon, which is a small breed of dog. it's believed that the Havenese breed stems from several cross breedings so as to possess reached the ultimate product. The Blanquito and therefore the poodle are two that it's said to be a neighborhood of the Havanese lineage. 

Havanese also are mentioned because the “Havana Silk Dog,” thanks to their long, silky fur. Their tails are long and that they carry them over their backs, almost like that of a Shih-Tzu. Their personalities are energetic and high-spirited and that they walk with a spring in their step, a gait that distinguishes them from all other breeds. 

This breed loves people and that they are highly adaptable to family environments. They love and wish to be Socialized and can become depressed if they're not. 
They are doing not had best if they need to be isolated from people or are left alone for long periods of your time . Although they're small in stature, they're not considered toy breeds. The typical weight is 10-16 pounds and may be 8.5-11.5 inches tall . 

If you're considering a Havanese puppy for your family, keep reading to find out 7 important tips for caring for your Havanese puppy.

1. Create a Routine

Like children, puppies thrive on routine. it's important to start out your puppy on a daily routine as soon as possible. Creating a routine helps to adapt your puppy to your lifestyle also because it helps develop structure and discipline. When your puppy knows what to expect, they're better ready to specialise in Training and can receive your instruction better and quicker, such as, making him sit before you attach his leash before walks, as against allowing him to be jumping around while you are trying to connect it. Routine are often , putting your puppy in his crate at an equivalent time a day for crate training, walks that are set at an equivalent time every day , feedings, exercise and playtime. When your puppy develops his routine, he will feel secure knowing what every day will bring and helps to relax him and keep him stress-free from puppy-hood, to adulthood. this is often a crucial a part of taking care of your Havanese puppy for a happier, healthier dog.

2. Crate Train

Crate training your puppy is one step which will assist in giving your dog boundaries in your home and help to coach him in multiple ways, including housebreaking. Letting your new Havanese puppy have free reign over your home will only create chaos and much of messes you won’t want to affect . many of us feel bad for putting their puppy during a crate. They view it as cruel or even that they're punishing their puppy. the truth is, that crates function a way of security for you puppy, whilst they grow old . Dogs are naturally drawn to a den-like environment. Dens make dogs feel safe and secure, and crates are a method to assist create an equivalent security for them. They also help to coach your puppy what his boundaries in your home are. They prevent him from stepping into your personal estate and chewing, or having accidents on your floor. Crate training should start directly once you get your new puppy, to introduce him thereto and begin him on learning what's expected of him in his new home.

3. Feedings

Your puppy would require an honest , nutritious diet. Feeding your Havanese puppy top quality pet Food is vital to healthiness and nutrition. you'll determine what food your breeder had him on and keep to an equivalent brand of food. If you turn food brands, it’s important to form a gradual change, adding a touch of the new brand each meal, increasing the quantity whenever for every week or more. Table scraps could also be tempting to offer your pup, but human food are often disruptive to your puppy’s gastrointestinal system , even adult dogs.

4. Discipline

Disciplining your puppy for his wrong behavior is a component of coaching , however, disciplining in anger will frighten your puppy, confuse him and make a fear of you instead of respect for being the pack leader. Even in scolding, Never hit your Havanese puppy. Use a stern tone to offer your command without incorporating his name during a negative, scolding tone. Being according to disciplining lets him know his behavior isn't what's expected from you, and he will learn quicker once you discipline him for bad behavior  chewing, deed , jumping on furniture, whatever you can expect from new puppy.

5. Socialize your Puppy

Socializing your puppy may be a critical in properly caring for your Havanese puppy. it's not only beneficial for you, except for your puppy. you are doing not want your puppy growing up scared of everything and everybody . Getting him familiar with different situations, people, pets, and environments means your puppy will grow into a well adjusted adult who are often easy-go-lucky and not stressed, anxious or aggressive during a sort of situations, or around people aside from you.

6. Health Checks

Your breeder should have gotten all of your puppy’s first shots and check-up, however, it’s important to form sure you follow-up together with your vet on the routine checks your breeder recommends. Keeping your dog healthy with routine veterinary check-ups helps to stay your dog healthy. Regular checks means the earlier medical conditions are caught, the better and quicker they will be treated.

7. Playtime

Havanese dogs are  little dogs that are well-kept in small environments  small houses, apartments etc. Although they're little, you'll still want to urge your pup outside to steer or have playtime within the house to let him get his exercise and energy out. Playtime also helps to urge your pup’s mind active in order that he doesn’t get bored. Bored dogs can be destructive dogs, so make certain to incorporate many playtime.